
  1. thiggins

    Turning Tack barn into coop and run

    I somehow need to turn this into a coop and run. I don't even know where to begin.
  2. Parront

    Existing Lean to Shed has metal siding and roofing

    What do you guys think? It is there, it is 8x24' covered in metal siding. Dark inside -- it was used to store firewood. It looks like chicken housing to me. Dirt floor. It is a lean-to built on the workshop of a house we are looking to buy. I think I want to remove the siding on the south side...
  3. Cotton Hill Chick

    Remodel of Used Coop the Hens Hate! ~ Ideas Please?

    Hi Everyone! These are interior shots of a used coop I purchased last year to move our existing flock into. This spring I added 9 standard sized hens to the flock, and started them in this coop while the main flock stayed next door in the original, smaller coop. All chickens have been in and...
  4. Hutchins Hens

    Hutchins House Hens Intro

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? We are retired grandparents from a large city living our dream in the country. We have been raising chickens and ducks for about 8 years. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? At present we only have about 20 chickens and...
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