
  1. Miami Leghorn

    *POLL* Should a strain of chickens carry the breeder's name?

    OK guys. It is simple. Should the breeder that worked hard to develop a strain of chickens give his/her name to that strain to identify where it comes from: which breeder? We know it's done with Gamecocks. Why not in others? Especially when the breeder has developed something that no one has...
  2. Miami Leghorn

    *POLL*What do you consider too much money for a chick ?

    Ok, guys. @Overo Mare @The Moonshiner @Nabiki @nicalandia @Kiki @ChicKat @Conan @muddy75 @Sapphire Sebright @ColtHandorf @casportpony @room onthebroom @Redhead Rae Please tag whoever else you can to join in. This is something I've been thinking about for a bit. My wife and I were conversing...
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