rooster booster

  1. T

    Help with confusion over electrolytes and medicated feed

    Hello! My partner and I are raising a flock for the first time. We have 4 Buff Orpingtons and 3 silver laced Wyandottes. They are 2 weeks old as of yesterday and from everything we can tell, they seem to be thriving! I have a couple of (hopefully quick) questions about their feed and water...
  2. Watolf

    About rooster booster

    I bought a rooster booster poultry cell. I was bring to home and open a cap, found a half seal is broken. Is it still safe to use??
  3. byrd95

    Am I overmedicating my chicks?

    I had an outbreak of coccidia a couple of weeks ago. I never had to deal with this before and ended up losing 12 of my 14 8wk old chicks. 😢 I have six 3-4 wk old polish chicks (1 is a lot smaller than the rest) in a brooder with a wire bottom and same thing with my twelve 2 wk old serama chicks...
  4. ChickChic00

    Rooster Booster Vitamins and Electrolytes with Lacto Bacillus

    Is it ok to use rooster booster for ducks?? I read on back and it has Riboflavin in it also.
  5. H

    Using Rooster Booster for Chick with Wry Neck

    Hello all, I have a chick, just about four days old, who appears to have a wry neck. Although its condition is opposite the normal description of wry neck (i.e., stargazing) because it's head/neck bends down. It often tucks its head under its body, starts walking backward and then flips over...
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