round worms

  1. K

    Is this roundworms?

    I have 3, 12 week old wyandottes that I got a few weeks ago. Today I noticed that one of them had some funky looking poop. Is this roundworms? It wasn't spread out like that at first, it was all a solid clump but I was curious and spread it out with a stick. I've never seen poop like this with...
  2. lipazron

    Using Wazine to deworm for round worms

    Hello. I am about to use Wazine 17 for roundworms. Nine of our hens are full size and two are bantams. How do I dose correctly since they all drink from same water sources? Thank you.
  3. TCMatherne

    Round Worm Treatment

    Hi everyone! New chicken momma here! Got my 6 girls last Sept. and they are just at 1 years old now. (2 Americaunas, 1 Barred Rock, 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte, 1 Dominque and 1 Buff Orpington. This morning while cleaning out their coop I found round worms in just one of their droppings under...
  4. joan3

    round worm treatment

    I have three old hens, one is almost 7. I found a round worm in poop. Last night I filled their waterer with one gallon of water treated with Wazine 17 at the proper dosage. Because I only have three old ladies, and it takes them quite awhile to drink a gallon - How long should I leave the...
  5. dbblaine

    Is this cocci? (poo pictures)

    We have two 14 week old pullets waiting to join our existing flock. The pullets have been eating, drinking, playing, but act lethargic at times. I saw what I thought was blood in their poo last week and started them on Corid liquid, but didn’t know I needed to make a fresh batch every day. I...
  6. TabbiMae

    Need deworming help! Chickens, ducks, and ducklings

    Just found out our roommate's dog (4 months old, never had a vet appointment and is a Rez dog, aka no prenatal care or puppy care) has round worms. He poops in the backyard where my entire flock free ranges. I'm furious, I'd rather get rid of the dog but it's not my decision so now I need to...
  7. CCinVT

    Questions re: roundworms!I want to treat ASAP. Help! I have broody hens

    Hello All! Please help. I am having the summer from hell with my beloved flock. They have been wonderful for 3 years, and this summer has turned into a summer full of chicken lessons. Through it all this forum has helped keep me sane. I'm hoping for more support now :fl Today I went to the coop...
  8. Internal Parasites - Parasitic Worms in Chickens

    Internal Parasites - Parasitic Worms in Chickens

    Internal Parasites - Worms Worms, what are they, where do they come from and what to do about them. Worms are everywhere... they are in the soil, insects can carry their eggs and they can sometimes be found inside your chickens as well. Knowing a little bit about their life-cycles and how...
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