
  1. T

    Biosecurity and sanitation with no infrastructure

    TLDR- how to maintain some level of biosecurity with no running water and nowhere to change clothes? Some context for my question: A couple of years ago, my partner inherited some property about a 40 minute drive away. It is raw, undeveloped land. We spent the last 2 summers clearing out some...
  2. HungryHippie

    Backyard cleanliness

    Hi guys. I’m new here. I did try searching several keywords before posting this question, hopefully I didn’t just miss it. There’s a long winded version and a short version of my question below. To try and keep this as short and sweet as possible- I’m trying to decide how worried I need to...
  3. SOlace30

    chicken plucker question

    Happy Monday, processing my first batch off meat birds this week. Prior to throwing them in the plucker do I need to sterilize the feather/skin area from one bird to the next? is there any issue of contamination I should be worried about?. Does the dip in the hot water cover that just not...
  4. farmgrl7

    Need advice on concrete floor maintenance

    Ok, so I have an older barn, my chickens are in an enclosed section that use to be for calves. It’s sectioned off from the main barn but my issue is, concrete floor. It sweats, I use pine shavings/some straw. And when it gets wet or sweats I clean the coop and sprinkle barn lime. does anyone...
  5. R

    Must have supplies for clean coop

    I have 3 chickens and 18 in the brooder I'm about to add to the coop. I'm still new and learning a lot. What are the best supplies to keep a clean and pest free coop? Let me know your best management practices.
  6. Katonk

    If you could ask a poultry science professor

    What's questions would you pose to a poultry science professor? I've had a bunch of questions about deep litter and the feisability of a tractor hybrid, so I decided to reach out to the experts. I joined up here and got the benefit of years apon years of experience through members generous...
  7. Dancing Bee

    Preparing Old unused coop

    We have a chicken coop on the property that has not been used for at least 7 years. I'm a bit concerned about contamination related to hantavirus and so on, in terms of human as well as avian safety. Is it safe to use a flea bomb on the coop, 4- 6 weeks before I put chickens in it? Other than...
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