saving abandoned eggs

  1. G

    Broody hen left her eggs after one night

    Hi! I had a broody hen so I gave her 7 eggs to sit on. She sat on them for one night and this morning it looks like she doesn’t want to be a momma anymore. I can’t get an incubator until tomorrow, do you think they will be okay for a night? And how should I store them if so? Thank you!!
  2. Backyardtut

    Broody hen saving a lost bird’s fertile eggs

    I lost my favorite hen to a hawk yesterday. While searching for her, I found a nest of her eggs. I don’t know how long they have been there, but there are 8 eggs. I have a broody hen and would like to know if I can put Dolly’s (lost hen) eggs under Lolita (broody). Dolly was my favorite chicken...

    Broody gave up - do the eggs still have a chance?

    My 18-month-old Cochin hen went broody for the first time. She appeared absolutely committed, and was fiercely determined to nest in a corner of the coop. I finally left her alone and gave her some fertile eggs in the middle of the night which she adopted. For a few days, she slept on the eggs...
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