saving money on feed

  1. Money Saving Tip: Buy the Big Bag from the Start!

    Money Saving Tip: Buy the Big Bag from the Start!

    A lot of us have been there- you're at the feed store and chick days has begun. Whether you planned on it or not, you decided to bring a few or more of those fluff balls home. Of course, you want to be properly prepared, so if you don't have chick starter already at home, you may find yourself...
  2. karenmragan

    STOP wasting your money on dried mealworms!

    Hey guys I just wanted to say if you’re not raising your own mealworms yet, get started already! I wanted to share this video of us getting a shipment of 10,000 mealworms from Rainbow Mealworms. I’m not being paid for this I just wanted to talk up this website because I am really happy with...
  3. wisemike

    Is it worth it raising chickens for eggs for 1 person?

    Hi, I might be moving to a new city, and was trying to find ways to save money due to increasing costs of living. And I was thinking of buying a couple of ready to lay eggs pullets (1-5 pullets), as I eat nearly 10 eggs a week. I will be feeding the chicken food waste, bread, grass clippings...
  4. SuperK

    Sprouting Barley

    We are at day 7 in our quest to decrease our chickens feed bill; this attempt by sprouting barley. I read that by sprouting the feed you can get a 5:1 increase in feedstock, thereby decreasing the overall cost of daily feed. We are shooting for 30% Commercial feed, 30% Fruits/grasses and 40%...
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