scaly leg mite

  1. ECrow

    Is this Scaly leg mites?

    Hi there, Does this look like scaly leg mites? I was looking at my rooster's spurs and noticed that his legs don't look quite as smooth as I was expecting. I can't say I noticed them looking really smooth lately, but I was a bit concerned when I saw them. He is about 2 years old and otherwise...
  2. C

    Look like scaly leg mites?

    Does this look like a healthy chicken leg/foot or scaly leg mites? No other symptoms currently. 20 week old chicken and not laying eggs yet.
  3. C

    Pale and lethargic rooster

    Hi guys, this is not something I usually do but I am so worried about our rooster I was just hoping to get some advice. He is just over a year old and has not been himself for a good few months. We thought this was due to flockdown earlier this year but he still hasn’t seemed to have...
  4. Ashleys backyard farm

    Injured foot! Please help!

    I have a neighbor with a small backyard flock. One of their chickens has an injured foot and mostly lays down. I went over to look at it and got some pictures. I want to help this chicken because these people are not properly taking care of her. They are starving her and providing no water or...
  5. B

    Scaly leg mites?

    I just took in a chicken that someone needed to rehome because she lived in an apartment. I noticed the front of her legs looked slightly calloused? I wasn’t sure if this was due to being inside or if she has scaly leg mites? Thank you
  6. S

    Mites or fungus?

    So these are two of my chickens, Sophia and Blanche, they’re two years old and do not free range. This is the first experience of disease for me, and then. On 12/19/22 I started applying Vaseline and ordered ivermectin. I applied the ivermectin 12/27/22. Then someone said the faces are a...
  7. S

    Is this a scaly leg mites?

    I would like to treat it but I don't know if its scaly leg mites After searching few images of it on google it's not scaly? It's just gunky Our chicken likes to play and use its feet a lot on sand or muddy area to dig up stuff... Can u you help me?
  8. Eglanterina

    Hen with swollen toe and black scab - Bumblefoot?

    My hen has a toe that is warm to the touch and swollen, and she does not like to stand on that foot. There appears to be a black scab forming on the underside of the swollen toe adjacent to the nail. You'll see from the photos that we've struggled with scaly leg mite infections this past winter...
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