scratch grains

  1. Veiji

    Food for Flock

    As I am starting my own flock, we had added Cockerels. We know the hens NEED calcium, so we provide them with Layer feed and offer Oyster Shells in a dish 24/7 access, BUT now that we have Roosters, what do we feed the whole flock? We have Layer Feed, Scratch Grains, and Oyster Shells. Do we...
  2. S

    Feeding free rangers - they don't want layer feed...

    Hi, We have 9 mixed laying hens about 10 months old, a surviving guinea hen and one accidental rooster. I want to check to make sure we are feeding and maintaining them appropriately. They seem amazingly healthy and have provided us with between 7-9 eggs a day since the mid-summer, and are...
  3. Dfarago

    Scratch, grit or flock raiser?

    what is the difference and what is needed? I always thought they needed scratch because that’s what people kept saying they need in videos. Now I’m reading that it’s more of a treat then anything. And I’m also reading that they need grit as well for their digestion. I have Purina flock raiser...
  4. ZooAtHome

    Clarification on scratch

    I'm very new to raising chickens. I did research for over a year before I got my first chicks a little over a week ago. I've tried hard to educate myself as well as possible to avoid any obvious pitfalls, but I am still fuzzy on some of the lingo. Today's question is: What exactly qualifies as...
  5. B

    Scratch grains.

    Hello everybody! I DON"T feed my chickens the standard pellets that most people use, but instead give them a 5 grain scratch, cat and dog food, lots of fruit and vegetables and scraps from the kitchen. They also free range and eat a lot of insects, small creatures (lizards, mice, nestling birds...
  6. carlyducks

    Can ducks eat scratch grain?

    Can ducks eat this? If so, what is the purpose? There are sunflower seeds in it, is that safe for ducks? I'm looking for something new to expand my duck's diet to give them something different along with their usual crumble feed! :) thanks...
  7. T

    When the food is chicken scratch, ...

    When the food is chicken scratch (low-density expensive feed), a heritage breed like minorca, australorp, sussex, plymouth rock, campine overlays by far a commercial brown layer. When the food is layer feed (high-density expensive feed), the brown layer becomes the queen, but the others lay good...
  8. H

    What to feed what to feed

    so I have nine 10 week olds and I have them on organic scratch and peck “grower” feed but costal gave me the wrong feed today I should have checked. So they gave me organic 3 grain scratch. Can they have this yet? Thank you
  9. GottaHatchAPlan

    Is this really mash?

    So mum brought home a new bag of chicken feed claiming to be 'mash', but it kinda looks more like scratch to me. Here is the online brochure for this 'course mash': Is this actually mash, or is it chicken scratch? How often...
  10. Sue E.

    Scratch Feed vs. Pellets, and Oyster Shell

    This will give you my background. My two chickens aren't really mine. I bought some food for them - I guess you call it "scratch feed" because it's grains and such. I bought a smallish bag of DuMor Five-grain "Premium" scratch feed. Seems...
  11. Nesi

    Wanting to sprout....

    So I keep reading how sprouts are great, especially for upcoming molting. I also just want to do it out of fun & curiosity. I'm still a somewhat new chicken momma. I've spent hours upon days even researching this. Everyone says DO this or DON'T do that! A lot of it is contradicting each other...
  12. Ducksforlife1

    Feeding Duck Scratch Grain Only During Fall/Winter

    Would it be okay to only feed scratch grains to Muscovy ducks during the fall/winter times? Since they won't be laying eggs would it suffice? I have young juvenile Muscovy ducklings that I hatched from @Nyla 's eggs. I have a meal worm farm in my house so I'll always add meal worms to their...
  13. brettshomestead

    Anyone feeding creep?

    At the feed store I work in alot of customers feed 14% small creep to their chickens and 3 way feed, has anyone on here tried this? Also has anyone tried super scratch? I looks like good stuff.
  14. chickenmama109

    scratch grains

    hi i have a flock of 12 1 rooster and 11 pullets 4 hens are laying i was walking in tractor supply getting there first bag of laying feed i seen a dag of scratch grains what is it for what does it do is it ok for my pullets and my rooster my hens are about 4 to 5 months old...
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