sex change

  1. SonnyPon

    Hen Dying!! Sour crop/reproductive issue? UPDATED

    (Pic from Friday) Hi all! I have a hen named Daisy and she is very very deathly ill. She is 7 years old and grew Rooster plumage, spurs, and comb over this summer. Then a few days ago she began acting sick. She wasn’t walking much, acted sleepy and when she tipped her head down she would yank it...
  2. CamTheChknKeeper

    What’s changing my Lav Orp roo??

    I put a much younger (1 year old) lavender Orpington roo in with my first guy last year; they squabbled and Very occasionally the older one (nearly 10 years old now) bullied the younger, but they both crowed and strutted etc especially in front of the hens’ pen next door. This fall was the...
  3. M

    Duck and hen both changed their sex

    I’ve had my hen for 4 years and my duck for 3. I hatched the duck myself. The Hen I bought from a feed store. So yes I know the odds. I could have had a roo. The thing is both of these girls have laid eggs....I’ve seen it.... Also my female duck sat on eggs. In 2021 I noticed my hen changing...
  4. bubblez89

    Sex change!??

    We have 3 little bantams hens in our small flock Hetty (golden Sebright 3.5 years old), Nugget (old english game bantam 3.5 years old) and Popcorn (silver Sebright 2.5 years old). Our hens are super friendly, love cuddles and squat for us and the pet dogs lol. We never hatched them for great egg...
  5. MokiYoki

    My hen is becoming a rooster?

    So I have a WFBS hen, she was a great layer but I havent seen her eggs lately, which isnt that unusual as it is winter anyways. But Ive been noticing her mounting the other hens, and today her comb unflopped! She seems pretty healthy but her comb does look a little paler than the others. Should...
  6. A

    Multiple She’s to He’s

    HELP! I know that it’s normal and can happen but we have at least two ladies in our flock the are turning into roosters. We have two full grown roosters that were male to start with and we have at least two recently hatched baby roosters. Is there too much testosterone??? They aren’t older hens...
  7. chxmommajess

    My best egg layer quit!

    Hi! I'm Jess, I live near Ann Arbor MI. This is my first post although I have come here for advice and guidance many times over the years through google searches. I currently have two chickens. Sakura is my bantam double laced silver barnvelder. "Tree puff" (a young child named her) is a...
  8. Cayuga momma

    Sex Change in Chickens?

    This is right out of The Chicken Health Handbook, by Gail Damerow (2nd Edition) Pg. 95 'Spontaneous sex change is a phenomenon whereby a hen develops the characteristics of a cock. When a hen's left ovary atrophies, the latent reproductive organ on the right side may develop into a combination...
  9. Kackley33

    Rouen Hen turning into a Drake?

    I have six ducks, 5 are Rouen and 1 is a Cayuga. I have one drake (a Rouen), the rest are hens. They are all between 6 and 8 years old. One of the Rouen hens has started to look increasingly like a drake. Her head is turning green. She now has a distinct white collar/stripe around her neck...
  10. 3

    Female Barred Rock sex change?

    Hey there, This may be more of a medical problem but I don’t notice any real signs of sickness; reccently my nearly 4 year old Barred Rock hen has been crowing like a rooster. Approximately 3 days ago this commenced and she was laying an egg these past 3 days except for today. She’s extremely...
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