
  1. Joyfillednomads

    Old fashioned Donuts pan fried with fesh eggs

    Trying always to make stuff with eggs, of course, that's not just the same old same old thing... so this morning I made delicious donuts. The orange Halloween sprinkles are pumpkin spice.
  2. Simple Suburban Living Coop Modified for Deep little Method

    Simple Suburban Living Coop Modified for Deep little Method

    We are excited to share our coop Design. First thing I want to do is thank the SSLFamily for making these plans available for free. Visit or download the pdf at this link We built this coop in the spring of 2021. We made a few modifications to allow for the deep...
  3. cluckmecoop7

    My chickens are getting a little bored...

    Hi everyone, I am recovering from a cold right now and can't give my chickens as much a attention as usual. They are used to getting a lot of attention. I don't want them to get bored and start feather picking, etc. :hmm Does anyone have any ideas that I could make/do for my chickens? It would...
  4. How to break a Broody!

    How to break a Broody!

    Hi Guys! This article is all about breaking the stubbornest of broodies. Take1; Belle went clucky for the first time, was only about 8 months old, we moved ger to a day pen but locked her in the same coop at night. She soon got bored and gave up. Take2; Same as take one but took a bit longer...
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