sitting duck

  1. Broody Duck! - What now?

    Broody Duck! - What now?

    Phase 1: Arf! Arf! Got you! You enjoy the ducks running in your backyard every day and you do your chores including daily egg-collection but then one morning one of your ducks won't come out of the house. You step inside your duck's house and there she is, sitting in a nest either anxiously...
  2. AnonAMauze

    This Duck Doesn't Lay Eggs

    Two years ago I purchased two ducklings. One is a female mallard who lays regularly for about two months each year before stopping. The other is a buff who has never laid an egg yet has none of the identifying traits of a drake. So is it male or female.... Because my mallard hen is trying sit...
  3. Samigirl

    Keeping nest safe & hatching questions

    Good morning, we are new to the whole duck thing, we have 3 females & 1 male, over the last 6 months they have had many nest and sat alot but it seems at about 2/3 weeks a preadtor gets all the eggs at once, it's so sad. We've set live traps, tried deterent, and nothing works. 2 of them have a...
  4. M

    Broody duck... when will she sit long term?

    I have a Cayuga hen that is about a year and a half old. For the last few days she has been disappearing for a long periods of time and not coming back to the coop at night to be locked up. She only reappears with the rest of the flock for a few hours or two to eat and swim. I finally found her...
  5. Madeleinepb

    What should I do??

    So I have 8month old female muscovy and for the past 2weeks she has laid 10 eggs. When she first started I took first four of the eggs cuz she wasn't sitting on em. Then she laid six more within that 2weeks and this morning she started to sit on them. I don't know what to do?? Should I take the...
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