smart birds

  1. How smart are chickens?

    How smart are chickens?

    How smart are chickens? As anyone who’s cared for chickens knows, chickens are sensitive animals, keenly attuned to dangers and changes in their environments. Those of us who spend time enjoying observing our flocks may also notice some special individuals who stand out, and are identifiable...
  2. ChickenPerson999999

    Which is the cutest?

    Which chick is cuter? Shadow Becky Goldie Autumn
  3. justcallmekinn

    Knock Knock

    Ok, so a little background on this thing I have to share. I had two chickens, I now have one, she sounded so pitiful all alone in her yard that my mom let me get some chicks. The chicks( in a brooder box) and the chicken(started pullet) are currently in my fenced in carport while I fix them a...
  4. Starlings and dogs

    pet starling tips

    I i'm looking for pet starling tips. anything will do :)
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