sprained foot

  1. C

    Broken or Sprained?!

    Hello, I would like to get advice or help on how to help my chick heal! And first how I can determine if it is just sprained or if it broke, I accidentally stepped on her.. I know :((... so I am trying to help it be comfortable and heel well. Please help
  2. A

    Looking to confirm sprained/ broken duck ankle

    I noticed one of my Jumbo Pekings limping on 12/22. I brought her inside to inspect, her right ankle is really swollen. There are no obvious signs of scratches, scrapes, or cuts. No bumblefoot foot "scabs". Her ankle does have some redness and it's warm. I've had her inside for 10 days. The...
  3. Cotton Hill Chick

    Rooster Injured Foot ~ Your Thoughts?

    Hello BYC Friends! Yesterday afternoon I found Jasper, my cochin rooster, resting in the chicken yard. He allowed me to pick him up an handle him (usually he squirms). His left eye was partially closed and watery, and his right foot looked floppy. I kept him inside overnight to rest. Today...
  4. Maddiejayne

    Chicken injured foot help

    My hen has been limping for a few days and her foot looks like it has a bruise and some swelling around it. Is there anything I can do to help her foot heal or a way to stabilize it? Not sure what happened to her, but it looks like a sprain or something fell on it. We had been treating the...
  5. GoldenCometKeeper

    Rooster with injured leg-Help!

    My nearly 8 month old rooster is limping and dragging one leg behind him. He is acting fine other than being off balance and is (surprisingly) hard to catch because he still runs like a bat out of hell. Seems to be resting more or laying down when he loses his balance, not running towards me as...
  6. Chickenunsernam

    Rooster can't walk or crow properly

    I have a 9 year old half leghorn rooster. He's my senior rooster, the oldest and most responsible with all my hens. Unfortunately he recently developed what i think is bumble foot and its really bad so I've been doing this salt scrub I saw in an article. But it hasnt gotten better. In fact its...
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