
  1. R

    strange behaviour in one of my hens

    i got this hen a couple years ago so she’s 2 or 3 years old. it looks like she never lost her baby tooth (i think that’s what it’s called? a small hook on the tip of her beak) i looked it up and it said it was fine so i left her since she was too skittish even if i was supposed to trim it or...
  2. Grace Brooks

    Chicken Stomping Feet and Obsessively Itching

    Hello all, One of our chickens is stomping her feet and then itching herself with her beak. She has been doing this for a few weeks, and I have inspected her thoroughly three times, and every time I don't see anything amiss other than some dry, flaky skin. Do chickens suffer from dandruff? :)...
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