
  1. E

    Two new batams with two old buffs

    We have a tiny 12sq ft coop that has 4 nesting boxes stacked and one roost 18inches off the ground. We have two older buffs in there and I have two bantams temporarily living in my shed. Will they all able to comfortably live together? They haven’t met yet but plan on doing an intro in the run...
  2. LilMissChick

    Researching a flock

    Good Afternoon everyone! As I am researching how I want to make my coop, i am also researching what hens I’d like to get. As I live in a suburban area, and I value my neighbours staying friendly, I’ve been looking into calm, more quiet birds. As well I want to be able to have hens that are my...
  3. Jes78b

    Why are my silkies so skiddish?

    I have 6 new silkies, that are very cute, but my gosh are they jumpy. I rarely touch them for this reason. At first I thought they may warm up to me, seeing me so often, I'm the lady with the food, and if one is in trouble I come to the rescue. So now they are almost a month old and still this...
  4. AnotherMeOhMy

    Spoiled chicken

    Hello all! Just curious, when raising a single chick, is it possible to spoil them?
  5. jerseycat

    Cream Legbar Roo

    Hi fellow chicken lovers! I have a young 6 week) Cream Legbar Roo. I was just wondering the "general" temperment of this breeds roos?
  6. Anaí Gabriel

    I have questions!

    I previously had a very small flock (2) of Dominiques, sadly my neighbors dog got into our yard broke into the coop and killed my oldest :( so I have one Dominique. I just got 3 RIR hens the man I bought them from didn’t look like he took care of them very much and they seem very afraid of...
  7. DesiMurgha

    Which breed is this amazing Rooster?

    I got these when they were about 8 months old from someone. Can anyone tell me which breed is the grey/blue rooster (one in the front) is. He is an amazing rooster, never fights with other roosters, very well behaved, friendly and well mannered. Does anyone own this specific breed and has the...
  8. Catherine Spencer


    I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the most efficient egg layers are for the price of feed. I let mine run the backyard most daylight hours in addition to a good crumble feed. But I am finding it very financially upside down for the number of eggs I’m getting versus how much I’m...
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