
  1. RosyChickens

    Garage chicken

    My girl speckles loves to hang out in the garage on the work bench no matter how many times we take her out 😂. Snapped a picture to share today
  2. AlderCreekAK

    ...Your favorite coop cleaning/maintenance tools & tips?

    Hi Everyone, We at Alder Creek are having a blast figuring things out as chicken tenders and it's time to start getting creative with tools and techniques for cleaning and maintenance... We'd love it if you'd share your favorite maintenance/cleaning tools and tricks for coops and runs-- bonus...
  3. Cheepers Magoo

    Apps or programs to assist in coop design?

    Hello! I've been searching for a coop design online that I like and works for me. I'm having trouble finding one that is ’the one', so I'm going to venture into my own design. Unfortunately, I'm not super experienced in building. My question is, have any of you discovered a good app or program...
  4. R

    Detailed "Breed Selector" Tool?

    Hello, all, I'm looking for a tool to help select possible breeds/varieties to get in the future. The My Pet Chicken one is is the selector tool that's the most detailed I've found so far, but it still lacks in criteria that I want. Details that are important to me: comb type/cold hardiness...
  5. TheGonzo

    Poultry Evisceration Tools

    Hello! Does anyone have experince with industrial evisceration tools? I am processing at least 100 birds every year and it would be nice to cut down on time. Especially an evisceration fork would be helpful. Does anyone know where to get one?
  6. C

    Anyone using the Root Assassin Rake?

    I'm seriously considering getting one of these. I'm curious to know if anyone else has one and how they like it. I'm under 5' tall, and I'm a bit concerned about the two-piece handle. Most of the tools I've bought with two-piece handles don't stay put together well...
  7. C

    Favorite tools and those to avoid?

    I'm still new at this whole idea of building a predator-proof run and reading everything I can get my hands on. Now I'm wondering what tools you chicken pros have found to be the most useful. (For example: Do you use hog rings? If so, what's the most versatile tool that you've found and what...
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