
  1. R

    Raccoon Avoiding Trip Pan in Trap for 1 Full Month

    We are having a major raccoon problem in our yard. Two raccoons are coming nightly, eating our grapes and then using our side yard as their restroom. We have small kids and have had to keep them out of the yard so they don’t go near the feces and it’s getting really old. We’ve had two live traps...
  2. A

    Weasel Stealing Bait Off Trap

    Does anybody have any advice about trapping a weasel? We have lost 5 ducks to it in the last 5 weeks. We have rat traps (one loose and one in a weasel box) and a live trap set and baited with raw chicken every night and in the morning when we go out the trap hasn't been sprung but the bait is...
  3. James Gielow

    Dealing with a possum

    Hello all. For the last several months I've been getting a bunch of broken egg shells in my laying box. I thought it was one of my hens for a long time. I even increased the calcium levels in case they were wanting more. It turns out that a possum has been visiting nightly to snatch my eggs...
  4. Trapping a Fox!

    Trapping a Fox!

    So you've headed down to the coop to find all your precious ones have been beheaded by a fox? Nothing is more devastating to a keeper of poultry than such a sight. You've lovingly tended your birds throughout their lives so far, given them the best of food, the best and safest of accommodation...
  5. rlw525

    Legalities of trapping a weasel

    Hi. Last year a weasel killed about 20 young turkeys, a full grown adult turkey, and some ducks on our farm. We hired a professional trapper (We'll call him Dick) to try to catch the weasel. Dick used leg-hold traps. A relative (John) – who has a trapping permit – also set a couple of traps...
  6. barred2rock

    Capturing Locust?

    We have what I think are Locust (hop & fly up to about ten feet high for shot distances, making a snapping sound) on our property, which I'd like to feed to the girls. Any ideas how I might go about catching them? I don't think a cricket trap would work. They're not sworming, so it's not like...
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