
  1. A

    Plans for a new backyard coop/run build

    Hi all, hoping to get some advice before I start doing any real construction. After buying a bunch of items that were both probably too expensive and insufficient for my flock's needs, I realized that I needed to add quite a bit more run space to hit the suggested benchmarks that everyone was...
  2. The view in Washington!

    The view in Washington!

    Wow! Found this view while driving around the city!
  3. FortCluck

    Grow Getters & Mad Potters (Gardening Thread)

    A place for all gardeners whether its potted, above ground, inground, indoors, or anywhere you can plant 🌻🍓🍅🍎🥕🥔 Have fun with this thread and let it grow like the seeds we sow... Best part about gardening is you learn each and every day something new or a lesson to use for the next time...
  4. V

    Will American Buff Geese eat the trees?

    I am planning to get a trio of American Buff geese (in fact I have a trio all lined up) but we just realized that geese will eat new trees. We have around 10 acres of forest behind our house, which we aren't concerned about, and an acre of lawn (with a TON of clover every year) plus an acre or...
  5. Rondack

    Flooding, rain, trees down and more!

  6. D

    Chickens Eating Bark Off Juvenile Tree

    I have a mixed flock of about 5 hens in my backyard, and recently while watering my trees, I noticed my girls pecking at the bark of a Juvenile Loquat Tree in my backyard. The tree itself is potted, and the Loquat fruit is a rather East Asian fruit, so it's pretty uncommon here in the United...
  7. K

    Too late to remove them from the garage?

    Hi everyone, I am new to guinea hens, so I apologize if this post is a little long and seems neurotic. This is not only a thorough backstory for information purposes, but maybe a little therapy session since almost all of my friends and family think I'm nuts for taking on this adventure...
  8. 3

    Weeping Willow Tree

    I have just purchased a Weeping Willow Tree and I'm deciding where to plant it. It provides great shade, but is there anything about it that is poisons to poultry? I can plant it away from my coops if necessary. However, if it is safe, I would consider using it to shade my chickens and ducks.
  9. CapricornFarm

    Seed Swap!

    I know lots of folks have extra seeds sitting around and might be intetested in swapping seeds, bulbs, roots or whatever for gardening. All BYC rules apply, they will not be responsible for swaps not completed. The person shipping is responsible for postage unless otherwise agreed by the...
  10. TheMonroeChicks

    Can someone identify this tree?

    Does anyone here know what this tree is? It drops these small date looking fruits. Want to know if these are ok for chickens to eat? As they are where am planning extra run area...Am in SoCal. Thanks!
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