
  1. C

    [Solved] I turned a cracked hatching egg

    One of our hens stopped brooding a couple of eggs for seemingly no reason so we took them in to a makeshift incubator. Thing is that we aren't sure when they were laid, so we've just been turning them every day. One of the eggs that ended up getting cracked (and repaired with candle wax) has...
  2. Just Rosie

    Turning Eggs at Odd Hours?

    Hello again everyone, As I (im)patiently count down the days until my first clutch of the year hatches, I am eager to start another. I predict this year is going to be great for breeders. I have another reliable incubator, only normally I manually turn in this bator, as its turner is rather...
  3. Stacyoung13

    Turning eggs

    I'm gonna try and incubate 3 silkie eggs. I have to turn them myself, so my question is, how often do you have to turn them ? I know to do it an odd number of times, just not how many times.
  4. J

    Hatching batches in the same incubator

    if I hatch 2 batches of duck eggs in the same incubator a week apart, what do I do during lockdown? I'm going to raise the humidity but what about turning the younger eggs. My automatic turner is either the whole incubator or not at all and I've been hand turning thus far. A second incubator is...
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