
  1. B

    10 day old egg (twins? Or am I crazy)

    I’ve got a silkie hen who’s been laying fertile eggs like crazy so I put them in the incubator.. (she was too stubborn to lay in the nesting box and would go into the coop at night and leave them out) well one of the eggs I’m incubating seems to have two embryos but I’m not for sure… i candled...
  2. Cassandra Lana

    Kinda random but....

    Hey I just wondered randomly... if a double yolker egg is fertilized are there two baby’s (like twins) ? I think twin baby birds would be so cute 🥰
  3. MasterOfAllChickens111

    Two hearts in ONE egg?

    If you look at the squares. You’ll see a really dark spot. Well, if you look at the square on the “8”. You’ll see a dark spot too. If I move the egg back and forth. They both move.
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