ulcerative enteritis

  1. Q

    Unwell quail was eaten by myself and my dog

    My nephew has quail and he butchered one brought the carcass to mine and cooked it. Myself and my dog had some but he mentioned after eating the bird that the quail was potentially ill. I need to know what the illness was and will myself and most importantly, my dog be okay? He says the bird...
  2. T

    Help My female bobwhite quail got white/chalky poop stuck on her butt and i dont know if its Ulcerative Enteritis any help would be nice!

    hello this started last night when i got back from work i checked on her and noticed her butt was wet and when i checked there was this chalky/white poop a lil bit yellow stuck on her butt/ butt feathers this wasn't happening until last night and continued today. i cleaned it up the most that i...
  3. S

    Quail sudden death

    Hi all. This is the second time this happened to us, one of my quail suddenly died. I keep a close eye on them, checking their behavior and appearance several times a day. Background: I have outdoor quail in a tightly enclosed coop and run. The first one was about a month ago. I intruded a new...
  4. I

    Quail not feeling well - PLEASE READ

    My 3 mo. old pet California quail, Gumdrop, is usually very vivacious. Just today I noticed signs that he wasn't feeling himself like being fluffed out, not nearly as active or talkative, hunkered down, and closing his eyes. He had no signs of being sick yesterday (making his calling noise...
  5. FiveFootmama

    Can Ulcerative Enteritis in Coturnix Quail be passed on through eggs?

    Hi, I'm dealing with Ulcerative Enteritis in my quail aviary. I've lost about 4 birds in the last month, and just realized what the problem is after some serious research. The vet is ordering me some Duramycin to treat them with. Regardless of the illness, I've been planning to replace my...
  6. Quail Diseases, Health Issues and Keeping Your Quail Healthy

    Quail Diseases, Health Issues and Keeping Your Quail Healthy

    Quail Diseases Quail are generally quite hardy little birds and don't get sick often if kept properly. But on that occasion that they do, you will need to know how to heal and later on prevent further illness. Good hygiene is the number one way to start. Keep your birds environment as clean...
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