
  1. basiljowii

    What is this?

    We've just candled this egg for the first time, and saw these two dark lines. not sure what they are. but the embryo is still moving inside. the egg is day 19 if that helps.
  2. 20211110_084855.jpg


    Duck egg incubator day # 10
  3. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    How would you know if you injected chicken in vein?

    I've been injecting my EE who is suffering from egg yolk peritonitis for what seems like forever. She's on a two week 2x daily course of antibiotics. This is my first time getting used to administering injections, and of course, after a week of things going smoothly, I dropped my guard and...
  4. HoneyHillHens

    Help! Less than week old chick issues !

    One of my birds has been having issue after issue. First it started with pasty butt, now she is having an issue where she constantly picks up on of her feet like she’s in pain. Her legs look fine there isn’t any swelling. Upon investigation, there is a bright red vein that goes from her hock...
  5. A

    Vein streaking Day 7 bumped incubator

    This is the third time I have incubated eggs. I candled a couple of the eggs to show my little brother what they looked liked. Between Friday and tonight (Sunday), the veining has changed on them. They are not as large as they used to be and now I have what looks like streaking of the veins on...
  6. XtashaX

    HELP are my eggs dead?

    Hello everyone. Is anyone able to help me??.. So I have a bit of a disaster. My silkie has been sitting on her eggs. 3 of them. I candled them and everything is fine. Good development ect. so then the eggs were collected by accident on Xmas eve And were put in the egg basket in the house...
  7. 13ChickenGirl

    HELP! Turkey cut vein under wing!!!!

    Please help!!! My young turkey fell from a low tree branch and cut the vein under the wing! He is currently in the laundry room wrapped in a towel with flower on the wound and we are applying pressure with paper towels. The bleeding is slowing down. Is there anything else we need to know when...
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