
  1. E

    Day 5/6 slow developer

    help!! Day 6 or 7 and this little “girl” is really slow. Didn’t see any signs it was a good egg until day 4 and it was very faint veins. I have what looks like a blood ring in the side. You can see a little heart flutter when looking very closely. Is this viable?
  2. Clappmeg

    Late Hatching Egg Viability and Genetics Question

    Hi all! I've had a Silkie sitting on a small clutch of 3 eggs for 3 weeks now. 2 of the eggs hatched (one last night, one the day before). I' don't think the last egg will hatch. The other day I could not find it in the nest to check and it had been buried underneath some hay and although was...
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