
  1. M

    New Member: New Adventure

    Friends are hatching our chicks, so we don’t know exactly how many we’ll be getting. We built our coop and closed run to hold 12 large chickens, but I don’t want more than 1 rooster, so the quantity we start out with may be less than capacity. The breeds are mixed. An orpington roo has his...
  2. J

    Goose Eye Injury?

    Hello everyone! Long time since I've posted but I have a question for anyone that might know what's going on with an eye of one of my white embden geese. I noticed a couple months ago something was up with his (Guardy)'s eye but I don't know what. It doesn't seem to impair him at all but it's...
  3. J

    Is there a way to test a chicken's vision?

    I have 3 silkie chickens that were born in April, when one of them was a few weeks old I noticed his eye was bigger than the other. Nothing came of it though and no symptoms of any possible disease showed and he has grown to be a happy healthy chicken. He's a very nice rooster as far as...
  4. W

    Hen with poor vision

    I have a very sweet Golden Wyandotte hen that seems to have poor vision. She is smaller than the rest and seems to have no depth perception when trying to eat. She doesn't act sickly and is always lovey, but she's having trouble finding her way back to the coop at night. When she does, she...
  5. Batacaza

    Salmon faverolles acting “off”

    Francesca is a 4 month old salmon faverolles who came to us about 2 weeks ago along with two penmates (lavender orpington and blue ameraucana) who are thriving. When she arrived she laid down in the run and wouldn’t move, appeared to be depressed, but would eat laying down. She had some mild...
  6. Jajika

    I really don't know what to do for my girl with vision problems

    My sweet Thelma is about six years old and an Easter Egger. She is adorable. I noticed about three weeks ago that she has vision problems. She bumps into things, she "misses" the food bowl, but does eventually find it and eat. Same with water. However, when I give the girls spinach, she misses...
  7. Jajika

    My chicken has vision problems

    Lately my Thelma, an Araucana about six years old had trouble seeing. When she goes to peck at something, she misses it. I've observed her attempting to bite a piece of spinach and she misses it completely. Fortunately, she is eating well in my trough feeders, so I know she is getting...
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