vitamin e

  1. Wry Neck in a Chick

    Wry Neck in a Chick

    Symptoms My barred rock pullet was 9 days old when I noticed that something was wrong. Her little neck had begun to twist back and upwards, leaving her fighting to stand upright, and forcing her head slowly and mercilessly around until her throat faced the sky. It didn’t happen all at once, but...
  2. 907poultry

    Vitamin e supplement suggestions? How to help sick/injured poult?

    I have a (Royal palm?) turkey poult hatched 03/14 (~3 weeks) He/She weighs 119 grams. The others weigh 357g, 312g, 245g, and 253g. His/Her neck is held severely sloped to the side, it runs backwards in circles, and chirps incessantly. The neck started a couple days ago, it arrived small and has...
  3. BSallee

    HELP!! My Silver Laced Wyandotte has had wry neck since August

    My little girl has had wry neck since August. She can eat and drink on her own now but she still loses control of her head and it will twist under her and almost windmill till she regains control. I have her inside and I take her out to visit her sisters and she can walk around with her head...
  4. TooncesTheDrivingCat

    Wry Neckand eggbound

    I have 5 ISABrown hens. 8 months old. I changed the food to Dumor and 2 weeks later, I have a hen with wry neck. Have been treating. Changed the food back to one recommended by hatchery so...all that is taken care of. The question is......ISA Browns lay a LOT of eggs. Like over 300 a year some...
  5. S

    Encephalomalacia in an adult rooster / Vitamin E deficiency?

    My rooster seems to be showing all the signs of a vitamin E deficiency -- waving his head (earliest symptom), slightly wry neck (especially when moving his head down, i.e. to drink or eat), moving in an uncoordinated way (going in circles somewhat), getting lost from the others (not bullied at...
  6. A

    Wry neck

    Hi :) I have my first chick born with wry neck. I have read that vitamin E oil helps but I am having trouble finding a dosage amount. Is anyone able to help? Thank you in advance :)
  7. HappyWarrior

    Possible Wry neck Chick

    Good Morning, I'm very new to raising chickens and this was my first hatch of chicks so please forgive my silly questions and most likely incorrect use of terms. I have a little chick who has been a bit of a project since it's pipped (I've named it Squishy) Squishy had trouble hatching he was...
  8. tothemoon


    I have a bantam polish adult hen with wry neck (link to that post below) and it has led me to do some research on vit e and selenium importance in a chickens diet. My question is, what is the best supplement with good amounts of vit E and selenium, that I can mix in with my regular feed (must be...
  9. tothemoon

    Chicken supplement - wry neck

    I have a bantam polish chicken with wry neck, not sure if it is a brain injury or vit deficiency. What I am wondering is if I can get some info on how much vit E and selenium I should be giving her (adult bantam hen) and how to feed it to her. Also, what else should I be feeding her to keep her...
  10. G

    Suspected Wry Neck - Treatment?

    Hi, I have a 9yr old Australorp hen and noticed when I went to lock her up tonight that her head is slightly tilted to the side. She seems to be able to balance ok (though not well) at this stage and was still able to eat. From my research she may have wry neck. Nothing has changed in terms of...
  11. Kcerquozzi

    Update: guinea’s with wry neck

    Hi everyone! Just wanted to post an update because I am OVER THE MOON! :celebrate My previous thread -’s.1322543/ The next morning I noticed that one of the guinea’s was acting much better. She was walking around, eating, drinking...
  12. Watermeat

    Wry Neck Trouble

    So, one of my Easter Eggers has wry neck. I've been treating her for two weeks. The first week went by very smoothly and she showed a lot of improvement- She stopped loosing her balance and started turning her head straight if she put in the effort to. It's week two, and she stopped accepting...
  13. H

    vit E dosage for wry neck?

    We were given an 8 week old pullet who seems to have wry neck. Her neck is twisted a bit and she can't stand up. Her legs are much stronger....running in the air stronger, but she pushes herself over and doesn't quite sit right on her hocks. Actually she doesn't seem to sit like a normal bird...
  14. ktburdi77

    Wry neck - Vitamin E experience.

    We have a 10 month old Silkie rooster that had wry neck as a chick. We treated with Poly-Vi-Sol per info we found online with good results and he went on with his business. About a month ago the condition returned with severity and that's when I found this website and we did lots of reading...
  15. ktburdi77

    A Chicken Explosion

    We moved to an area last year in the Central Valley in California that would allow for a few backyard chickens so we got a Polish and Silkie hen. Carla and Sally respectively. Sally decided to crow so now it is Carla and Sal. :) Since we got them last fall we have acquired a hen of unknown...
  16. L

    Emergency: Silkie chick with twisted neck, jerking around

    Hello. A month ago, I purchased a batch of unsexed silkie chicks, and three died, two of unknown causes (not eating not drinking), one from a different issue. About a week and a half ago, the weather in our area increased in temperature dramatically and suddenly. Out of our 12 remaining chicks...
  17. Baby_Annie

    Wry Neck... Stargazing... Call it what you like- it's terrifying!

    Hello all... I'm brand new to this site- first forum I've ever joined! I live on 6 acres in Northern Alberta, Canada and have a flock of 19 very spoiled chickens- 11 mature laying hens and 8 juveniles. One of my 8-week old silkies (Her name is Ninja) has "wry neck", and I have been scouring your...
  18. N

    Vitamin E and ducks

    I have a duck (1 of 15) who is having issues walking. She uses her tail as counter balance when she walks. She does not walk like a duck. Had her checked out and her bones seem fine and it was suggested I use Vitamin how do you do that? I am a first time duck momma so all advice...
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