watery eyes

  1. J

    Help please

    My roosters had a fight today and one of them pecked the other one's eye and since then his eye is shut down and watery...i went to pharmacy to buy terramycin ointment but the pharmacist gave me chloramphenicol eye ointment and told me it will be fine as well...im not very sure about this so...
  2. V

    Bulging/Closed Eye

    I have 7 week old chick that has had a problem with her eye for a while. I was wondering if anyone knows what it is. This problem happen since her 1st week but she’s happy and growing normally. She just closes her right eye for some time and upon closer inspection it’s really watery. I added...
  3. Rammy

    Cream Legbar with watery eyes

    Pasr couple days one of my female CLs I noticed has watery eyes. Today I noticed she has bubbles coming out if her nose. Her crop is full and she seems normal other than that. Not really lethargic but not very speedy either. I gave her some nutridrench tonight but wonder if I should separate her...
  4. Jennifer_M

    Duck Respiratory Help

    So the dog bite is doing better but a new development came up tonight and I'm not sure what to do. One of the ducks is making a raspy breathing sound, almost like when you're congested with drainage. She was completely fine this morning and this evening her eyes were watery and she's making...
  5. Z

    Red sunken watery eyes

    A few weeks ago one of my little chicks would open and close her mouth while snuggling in my hand, she wasn't gasping necessarily just open and closing and only when she had her eyes closed and was still. She was eating and drinking and pooping all fine, so I treated for cocci with corid and...
  6. Alicat4244

    Sick chicken

    Ok I've read so much I've confused myself . One of my hens eyes are watery and almost swollen shut . She has no other symptoms. The rest of the flock is good other than a sneeze here and there but all eyes and nostrils are clear . The hen with the swollen eyes has clear nostrils as well. I'm...
  7. Alicat4244

    Weird poop and one with watery (poop pic included)

    Hi all I posted recently with few responses . Posting again due to today noticing one of my girls has watery eyes and a little puffiness around the eyes as well. All are acting well ...eating and drinking good. I just so happened to notice this poop recently and then today I noticed Sofia' s...
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