wind break

  1. ChickenTenderKesha

    Attaching Plastic/Tarps to a Run - Show me your methods!

    As some of us already know, the winter months are upon us. Nows the time the snow always flies before we have everything weatherproofed! I know some of us have been getting snow for a while (I understand your pain with what he had gotten before the warm front moved in) so you might already have...
  2. tacCab

    Hello from Central Texas

    Our family lives in Central TX and currently has 14 chickens/hens. We owned chickens for approx. five years. We own barred rocks, lacy wyndottes, americaunas, long island reds and leghorns. They free range the back fenced in yard by day and are cooped up at night. Husband mounted a coop he...
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