
  1. kfsilver

    Fox Attack Questions

    A few days ago I was free ranging my ladies when a fox attacked. I happened to see the attack after two hens had been grabbed, but none dragged away. Based on the footage, it appears the fox grabbed and shook one hen, a New Hampshire Red, but then my Buckeye hen went and attacked the fox. The...
  2. How I Treat Non Fatal Wound From Predator (Warning:  Graphic Images For Educational Purposes)

    How I Treat Non Fatal Wound From Predator (Warning: Graphic Images For Educational Purposes)

    5-21-23 This morning I discovered Fiona--one of our Brahma hens--standing alone in a dog igloo (it's mostly there for decoration--they live in a covered run. All the other 34 hens looked fine but Monty, our rooster, seemed a little agitated. I went to check Fiona because I noticed she wasn't...
  3. fergyc2l2t316

    Injured Turkey

    I have a Turkey (female) and I think she was attacked by a rat. She has a nice size wound on her side underneath her wing and it is infected. I need a antibiotic to give her to combat it. I have been cleaning it twice a day and applying antibiotic cream to it and it was healing quite nicely...
  4. B

    Scared to Stress Him Out

    I have a duck that is injured, and I am new at this, looking for advice and wisdom from my farming family. He has wounds around his neck, and he hasn't cleaned it himself but won't let me clean it either. He is very tame and was raised in the house with a litter of puppies. He is solid white...
  5. K

    Pecking wound

    Ive got a month old chick that was so severely pecked i didn't think she would live. Its been 9 days and somehow she is 100%. Completely normal. Wound seems to be healing up but there's this protruding mass that im concerned about. I was afraid to disturb it given how well she is doing but also...
  6. Lay-A Organic

    VERY BAD Hen Injury!

    Our poor Red Orpington "Scarlett" was severely injured on her side, while we was away. She was badly over mated by our Rhode Island Red rooster. It is a very deep and gruesome wound. If anyone has any good medical advice for this, Please Share. More images will follow this one.
  7. Eggs_With_Legs

    Pecking problem solved.

    Hey all, I just wanted to do a article to follow up my post in the pecking problem thread. I ended up solving the problem of pecking in my flock and I'd been asked to share what I came up with. I'm sure they're lots of post on here about this, but I thought it couldn't hurt to share one more...
  8. C

    Injured Duck Questions

    Hello, this is my first time posting a question, I hope someone can help me sort out my duck injury issue!:) I have two female Muscovy ducks, they seem to get along pretty well and I've never seen them be aggressive towards each other. This morning when I went to let the ducks out the one had...
  9. C

    black on wound

    Something got a hold of my Rooster 4 days ago. its left 3 deep puncture wounds and tore off a huge chunk of hide. I separated him immediately and cleaned the wound, but I had him in a crate out on the porch. The next night when I got home from work I went to clean it again that's when I noticed...
  10. CannedMonster

    PLEASE: WOUND advice for injured pullet!

    Agatha is a 5 month old Naked Neck/Turken pullet. She just laid her first egg yesterday. She has been staying on the roost in the morning for the last two days. She was fluffed up but would still move around with the flock once she came down; eating and drinking normally. This morning I...
  11. B

    Injured chickens-fox attack

    Hi there, would anyone know how to treat flesh wounds on chickens after a fox attack? Two of my girls were bit before I could chase off a fox. One has some missing tail feathers and a couple of punctures which I've carefully cleaned and put antibiotic cream on. The other chicken, however, has a...
  12. F

    Chicks bleeding! Please help!

    My chicks are 4 weeks. They have ample room for the 10 of them but today they decided to peck the 2 cochin chicks (mixed breeds...all standard) until they are bleeding (one is our smallest chick and she has a lot of blood near the tail and the other just a little along the back where his...
  13. Emma_s94

    Growth on leg

    My hen who is about 7-8 years old had a lump on one of her legs recently, it was fine until it got infected so I brought her to work with me and the vet looked at it. It was falling of so we removed it but there is quite an open wound where it was. I’ve been bandaging it and giving her...
  14. Sarah Leighty

    Injured hen will not drink, wounds significant

    Hello all- One of our girls got attacked by the neighbors 2 little dogs, and they pulled her skin off pretty good from neck down between wings, and on one side. She also got a bite on her chest. This was Tuesday 9/26. We cleaned with betadine solution/warm water spray, and have treated for...
  15. C

    I need help!!! Two day old chick.

    I have a two day old chick that hatched late. When I went to put it with his mother and the rest of the chicks, the mother pecked it. Eventually I snuck it under her at night, but when i found it in the morning it was in a corner bleeding. The chick has 3 open wounds 1 of which is severe. The...
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