wrinkled eggs

  1. B

    Wrinkled egg

    I have been treating my easter egger for 5 days for bumble foot. Yesterday she laid this egg. Not sure if it is the Epsom salt bath, the topical antibiotic. She is eating, pooping and acting normal. It is as wrinkled as a walnut.
  2. Harmoni

    Wrinkle egg after injury

    My one golden comet cracked her beak diagonally. Before I could splint it, it broke off. There was soft tissue exposed which has dried out. She is eating and drinking fine other than really hard seeds like sunflower. Ir happened Tuesday. She didn't lay on Wednesday. Had a really wrinkled egg...
  3. K

    Wrinkled eggs... every day :(

    One of my ISA Brown hens has started laying wrinkled eggs- every day. She was gifted to me about 6 months ago and has been a fantastic layer. Huge, dark brown eggs almost every single day. I know she’s older, because tiny spurs are starting to grow. I don’t know her back story. She does not...
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