
  1. Twilighttwist

    16 week old hen sick again-is it yeast? Or something else?

    Our 16 week old Swedish Flower hen is sick again. She is started to fluff up and act tired, has had watery diarrhea with some spots of blood. No sign of crop issues yet. Still eating and drinking. Best picture I could get of poop: 2 months ago she stopped eating and drinking and developed a...
  2. lavendermarie

    Yeast to Chick Starter Ratio for Ducklings?

    I recently got some new ducklings, but they store was out of duckling starter. So, of course, the next best option was un-medicated chick starter and nutritional yeast. Now, I have looked this up so many times and for the life of me I can’t seem to find the ratio of nutrional yeast to the chick...
  3. T

    Sour Crop - coconut yogurt instead?

    Dealing with sour crop in one of my girls. I separated and withheld food for 24hrs, but left out grit and water, gave her 1/3 a monistat 2% suppository 1x today and will do it 1x a day for a few more days. I’ve tried massaging her crop as well. If by morning her crop is still full and squishy…...
  4. MixedFlock23

    Please help. Mouth lesions for about a year. Now spreading to others.

    Hello, Please help. My BO hen, Rapunzel (age 4.5 years) has had these lesions in her mouth for about a year now. I took her to the vet in January and had a swab/culture ran on a sample of it, but the results came back inconclusive. The vet gave me a run of fluconazole, since I suspected it was...
  5. B

    Brewers yeast for ducks?

    Hi every body. My family is going to be getting two 2 week old ducks in a few days. We have a starter and grower feed with 18% protein and we plan to feed oats and chick grit as well as supplementing electrolytes. I am a bit confused about the yeast. I heard baby ducks need yeast because they...
  6. PrincessLay-a

    Hen with hard vent protrusion

    Hey everyone. Just this night I saw one of my hens sitting in the corner of the coop looking sad and droopy. When I picked her up I saw that she had a hard calcified lump coming out of her vent. I soaked her greatly in warm water and pulled it out. It was hard and smelled god awful. It didn't...
  7. H

    Nutritional yeast for ducklings

    Hello, I’m having a hard time figuring out how much nutritional yeast to feed my Ancona ducklings each day. I’m currently feeding Scratch and Peck Organic Starter. Can anyone help me with this? I would greatly appreciate it.
  8. Treating Candida (yeast) with Medistatin (Nystatin) - under construction

    Treating Candida (yeast) with Medistatin (Nystatin) - under construction

    Nystatin can be used to treat some strains of candida in poultry. According to most veterinary formularies and references, the most common Nystatin dose is 200,000 to 300,000 IU/kg two or three times a day. Lafeber vet recommends 300,000 IU 2-3 times a day, so that is what I will base my...
  9. C

    Chicken with eyes stuck shut

    I have been keeping chickens for about ten years now. They have always been exceptionally healthy. But it has been a long cold winter here in NH, so tjhey are more cooped up than usual. About a month ago, I noticed that one of my chickens has her eyes stuck shut. I have cleaned them several...
  10. SeaChickens

    The right treatment for sour crop?

    My 3-year old hen, Dottie, has a big squishy crop. On Tuesday I started her on miconazole 3-day yeast treatment (cut the suppository in thirds and gave her a third 2 x a day) after seeing it recommended on BYC. That first day when I gave it to her I could see the liquid in her throat, there...
  11. BuddyADucks

    Chicken starving herself

    We have had a run of bad luck lately. A fox has been killing off my flock. He killed my rooster and three hens two weeks ago but didn't make off with them. He came back yesterday, when I thought he'd moved on, to kill one of my geese and take off with a hen and a duck. Now I have one chicken...
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