yellow golden pheasant

  1. B

    2 week old yellow golden pheasant falling over

    This little guy keeps his down and falls over often. He was flopping around with his head tucked in his belly. This has been going on for 4 days, I forced vitamins and he got better but head still down and falls periodically. Final thoughts he is strong as an ox for a chick Any ideas Thanks
  2. Hiram Means

    What would a Lady Amherst's X Yellow Golden Pheasant Hybrid look like?

    I AM BY NO MEANS INTENDING TO DO THIS CROSS But out of curiosity, I'm wondering if anyone has ever encountered a YELLOW golden pheasant X Lady Amherst's Hybrid. I have seen many pics of the Red Golden hybrid, but never a Yellow Golden Hybrid. Have these ever been created? Also, is it possible...
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