HELP! 1 yo Orpington dragging leg and wing sticking out


Apr 4, 2023
Help! Hen is just over a year old. She does free range during the day. Yesterday when she got out of the coop she was dragging her leg like it was injured. I confined her and could not see any injuries. I noticed her wing sticking out and she was panting. I was concerned about her being egg bound so I gave her half a tums and some oatmeal. I also gave her an epsom salt bath for twenty minutes late last night. She is not eating or drinking this morning. But I did notice a normal looking poop this am. Please advise. Thank you!


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Poor girl!

I'd recheck for any signs of bruising, abrasions, etc. on the wing, under the wing, the body and legs.

Is her crop emptying?

Pooping is good, if you do feel she may be having trouble with an egg, give 1 whole Tums or 1 Calcium Citrate with D3 tablet daily for a week. Omit oatmeal unless that's just a tiny treat. She needs to be eating her normal feed if possible.

Hopefully this is just an injury, and she will soon recover. Marek's disease can be a worry.
Thank you for responding! I can not find any wounds. Her leg is still not moving. She was almost falling backwards as she was pooping. Her poop looks normal. No egg production. I gave her the tums last night and another epsom bath. Not really sure what else to do. She is eating some but I have to move her to the bowl. I’m not sure if the Mereks disease would have progressed more by now or not.
Thank you for responding! I can not find any wounds. Her leg is still not moving. She was almost falling backwards as she was pooping. Her poop looks normal. No egg production. I gave her the tums last night and another epsom bath. Not really sure what else to do. She is eating some but I have to move her to the bowl. I’m not sure if the Mereks disease would have progressed more by now or not.
I'm glad she's eating. I'd also give her some poultry vitamins to see if those give her a boost.

Marek's is a very confusing disease, it can present in so many ways, slowly or just suddenly, you never know.

Work on her eating/drinking and see how it goes.

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