2 Perches


9 Years
May 14, 2014
Bethlehem (Slingerlands) NY
I have a perch in my coop and I have one at the end of the run. I put the girls out 3 days ago and twice they tried to perch in the run and once they went into the coop on their own for the night and perched. Should I remove the perch in the run so they will go into the coop to roost? I don't want to leave them in the run overnight because of predators. Any suggestion would be great. My gut tells me to remove the one in the run.


The run and coop are secure but I would rather have them in the coop at night and I do have a door that I close after they go in or after I put them in.
Okay...now I get it. Most nights I have a straggler that needs a little "encouragement" to get her fuzzy butt into the coop. I just quietly walk her towards the pop hole and in she goes. Try that, then shut your door and you're good to go....And BTW....NICE COOP/RUN!!!
I have three perches in my run, but they all (4) put themselves to bed in the coop about 7:30pm. All four on same roost even though I have two.

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