2022 Reflection


Premium Feather Member
May 19, 2022
Iowa, USA
Just posting a reflection from 2022. I know it's not over yet, but I felt compelled to do it today. What could possibly happen in 16 days that will alter my reflection on the whole year? Well, let's not even ask that... Seems like it's flirting with fate to come and wreck something. *knocking on wood just to be safe*

Well, first things first... This is the year I started my flock. Twenty little fluff balls came into my life in March and it has been such a lovely adventure. I've experienced happiness, fulfillment, gratitude but have also faced frustrations and sadness. It's been an exciting journey and I'm so glad I took the plunge and entered into the chicken keeping world. And on that note, I am also very grateful for this forum and all the helpful people that have been supportive along the way. What a lovely online community!

Some highlights from this year include successfully hatching babies from my flock, an over-abundance of eggs resulting in the opportunity to provide eggs to my local friends/family and providing my very dear friend with two laying hens as her flock is older and no longer laying. There have been lots of happy moments and I do love my flock very much. My chickens are sweet as pumpkin pie (well, except for the one roo....but he's got to keep up his macho man appearance for the ladies) and I love to sit in the back yard with them on sunny days. They love snacks and are not afraid to come sit on your lap if you are willing to share. They are excellent layers and provide me with more than enough eggs and I am grateful to have them. They make our little homestead so much more "homey".





But not every moment was a happy moment, which is the way of life. I did lose some along the way and understand that is nearly inevitable with a free range flock. I will not dwell on their passings but will remember them and be thankful for the time they were with me. The birds who left in 2022: Patricia, Willow, Goldie & Charles. RIP my sweet birds.

I look forward to 2023 and what adventures it holds! I do have plans to increase my layer flock size and potentially add some meaties to the mix. My hubby is already working to double our coop size. The chicken keeping life has sucked me in and I don't see myself getting out... So farewell to 2022 & come on in 2023!

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