4.5 week old frizzle cochins


In the Brooder
Mar 9, 2022
I’d like someone’s input on my two red frizzle cochins. They’re 4.5 weeks old now and one has a larger comb and the other doesn’t seem to have much if anything. The comb isn’t red though, it’s stayed fairly pale/yellow. I have a black frizzle cochin who I’m almost 100% certain is a cockerel- his comb is much larger, more red and he is feathering slow and awkwardly. Both red chicks seem to be feathering at the same speed and significantly faster than the known cockerel. But I would think if comparing two same age and same color chicks if there’s any difference it would mean they aren’t both female… but it’s throwing me off because my suspicious red Cochin doesn’t have as big of a comb as the black one. Thanks y’all!

Potential cockerel?

Same chick- cockerel?


Comparison of the two reds



The black frizzle (assumed) cockerel
I’m not sure (first one). I’m in the same boat with my 4.5 week olds. We are 50/50 coz it’s comb has developed more than the others but other features say hen.

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