6+ Marraduna Basques Hatching Eggs *BIN* Price Includes Shipping!!

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

Fluffy Feather Farm
12 Years
Jan 26, 2010
Texas, Panhandle
BuyItNow~~ 6 Marraduna Basque eggs, plus what ever I get before shipment. Shipping included in the $45.00

PayPal ONLY: [email protected] I ship Priority Mail with a DC #. I package to the best of my abilities, but cannot guarentee how the P.O. will treat the package once it leaves my hands.

I am totally in love with my Basques! They are the sweetest, and most curious chooks I've ever owned! They want to be right in the middle of what ever you are doing. People are shocked at how tame, gentle, and sweet my roosters are. Their striking rainbox-mix of colors turns heads! Currently I have 3 hens, and 4 roosters. All three hens are laying, almost daily. I get anywhere from 1-3 eggs daily. Hardly ever do I get 0. These 'gals lay eggs as fast as I can gather them up! I get 1-2 eggs that are very dark brown with a polished coating on the egg. Gorgeous, just stunning eggs! My Basques are egg-cellent free rangers, and when allowed to free range much prefer to eat yummy grass hoppers than grains! Currently, mine do not free range as a Bobcat has been spotted so I dare not, until he is killed!

If you are looking for a striking, breath taking chook, that lays mountions of pretty, shiney, polished brown eggs and has a sweet temperment to boot LOOK NOW FURTHER!

Questions? Email or PM me, I'd be more then happy to answer them. Thanks for looking and God bless!!
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