A guide to Vaccination


6 Years
Oct 6, 2013
I'm a new, small poultry farm and have been hatching chicks for not too long.

Every once in a while I have someone asking me if I vaccinate my chicks. A while ago I did some research and found out that you can only buy vaccines in 1,000 doses and once you open the bottle, you have to use it all at once or have a certain amount of hours to use it.

Being daughter of a veterinarian, I am very PRO vaccination: my dogs, cats and horses get vaccinated and are always current, so I understand people's concerns when it comes to it.

I'm not looking for any reason why I shouldn't do it. What I'm looking for is some experience from people that DO vaccinate their chicks and adults.

I'm pretty sure I can find bits and pieces of answers if I read all threads related to it, so I was trying to start this thread hoping we can collect all info in one place (I tried to find it all in one, but couldn't. Perhaps I overlooked?).

As a newbie, these are just some of the questions I have about vaccination:

* Are vaccines cost effective for a small breeder?
* Where can I find them?
* What types of vaccine are available for day old chicks?
* How about older than that, should / can I vaccine chicks that are passed day 1?
* After thy get vaccinated as chicks, should the new owners give them a booster shot?
* How about my breeding flock? No one has vaccines since they are not from hatchery, but from other breeders that don't vaccinate their flock. Can I give them now? They are between 4 and 14 months old.

Before anyone asks me why I don't ask my dad, it is because he was specialized in horses, but retired about 15 years ago and he is not from this country nor live here. In other words, he's not a good source of help when it comes to raising chickens in the United States.

Thank you all in advance!
I can't be of much help since I have never vaccinated my chicks at home, although I have always asked for Mareks vaccination on my hatchery chicks. If offered I would probably include coccidosis vaccine if offered, although the different brands don't protect against all 9 strains. The chicks vaccinated for Mareks disease must be protected from exposure for 2-3 weeks to have immunity. Here are some good links that may help you:

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