Adding to my flock of 4


Aug 21, 2023
Willamette Valley, Oregon
I have read other posts on integration and still have some questions. First, my flock and set-up:

2 -14 wk Production Blue
1- 14 wk Olive Egger
1- 14 wk leghorn

New chicks:
2- 4 wk Cream Legbars

Coop is aproximately 5' by 8' with a couple of levels and 2 places to roost.
Run is aprox 8' by 25' with a 4x8 ft piece of plywood on sawhorses out in it, for some protection from rain. The covered space is a bit cramped due to a feeder, and tray of diatomacious earth for bathing.

I have various obstacles and small covered space elsewhere within the run also, and 2 water sources.

Inside the coop I have water and a bowl of food. I have an area temporarily blocked off for the legbars, with their own water and food.

The big girls are generally indifferent, but if the legbars get too close the "biggies" run them off. They seem to have worked out an arrangement where, if the biggies go inside, MnM go outside, and vice versa. I have had the little girls (Minnie and Margaret- MnM) in with the biggies for about a week now.

Finally, my question:

Does age/size matter in getting all of the girls integrated?

How will I know when it is o.k. to remove the barriers inside the coop and let them all work out their sleeping arrangements?

Is the space I have made, both coop and run, large enough for a flock of 6?

Will they ever all get along, or will they remain segregated, even after I remove all barriers?

I look forward to any and all comments. Thanks!
For 6 birds total, it sounds doable in comparison to the coop and run size.

The little ones can be released with the flock when they become similar in size to your other birds. There will be a little pecking order feud but it shouldn't be bad.

Consider putting the 2nd roost bar on the opposite end of the 1st roost bar. This is to ensure all the lower pecking order birds don't have to sleep next to higher level ones. And not get pecked on the roost bar.

Use multiple feeding and watering locations in your run to ensure everyone eats without being bullied away from the food.

Be observant of how your birds are coexisting and make adjustments if there habits change.
For 6 birds total, it sounds doable in comparison to the coop and run size.

The little ones can be released with the flock when they become similar in size to your other birds. There will be a little pecking order feud but it shouldn't be bad.

Consider putting the 2nd roost bar on the opposite end of the 1st roost bar. This is to ensure all the lower pecking order birds don't have to sleep next to higher level ones. And not get pecked on the roost bar.

Use multiple feeding and watering locations in your run to ensure everyone eats without being bullied away from the food.

Be observant of how your birds are coexisting and make adjustments if there habits change.
Thank you. I will add a roost bar on another wall of the coop.

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