After ten years, I finally have chicks. But I have a prissy one. What to do?

I can only add this to the good advice you've been given:

First, cool them off! Only new babies need that much heat. At 3 weeks they're nearly ready to be off heat completely.

Second, you can OD on electrolytes and additives. Yes, offer it, but always with plain, clean water available in another waterer. Imagine if you had nothing to drink but Gatorade in a flavor you don't like. 🤢
You're treating this lagging chick just fine. You could introduce more protein into their diet a few times a week to further boost the chick, and feeding them all will encourage the small one to eat, also.

If these chicks are three weeks old, they no longer require heat during the day, especially since they are indoors in a warm room. A little heat at night to create a warm spot around 75F is all that is needed, and then you can remove all heat at age five weeks.

Understand that as they grow in real feathers it insulates them from losing body heat. Ninety degrees is uncomfortably warm when you're wearing a down jacket.
Azygous, any specific protein source u can recommend with the current issue we read about? I would think scrambled egg maybe? Thanks, i value your opinion. Im not the OP, just following to see pro tips 🐓❤️
The best protein for small chicks is crumbled tofu and finely minced hard boiled egg. For older chicks and chickens, occasional canned fish, liver, chicken liver and gizzards. The high grade animal protein needs to be rationed, though, as it will put a strain on the kidneys if fed more than twice a week.

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