Ameraucana Egg pondering.....


12 Years
Jun 26, 2012
Buckley, Wa
Hey all!
So like most of you I'm sure are members of a few poultry FB pages. Someone posted that they got their Ameraucanas from a breeder and they lay green eggs. A person replied saying than its not purebred. Purebred Ameraucana will only lay blue. So is that ture? I have done a lot of research on the breed. From things I read ameraucana can lay blue, blue-green to light green. I know some breed for more blue eggs but the egg color is not as important as other aspects of the SOP.
These are some if my eggs you can see my lavender ameracunas lay a light green egg.


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There are charts you can get from the breeders club that has the acceptable egg colors. They can lay mintish eggs, though the overcast of yellow leads me to think that they aren't purebred or poor quality.
Ameraucana are supposed to lay blue. Not green.
Sometimes the blue is like a teal blue, I have one like that and her eggs actually look bluer for the depth that the teal provides. But the surface of the egg still looks blue.
Not a tan overlay on a blue egg. That makes green.
Really pale blue also is not acceptable, that indicates heterozygous rather than homozygous for the blue egg gene.

They could still be from pure Ameraucana stock. Some breeders simply don't try hard enough in their programs, or they are unwilling to remove problem stock for fear of not being able to fill customer orders, something like that. It's not an example to follow.

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