'American' Orpington breeders


16 Years
May 17, 2007
I'm trying to find a breeder of good quality American style orpingtons. I am afraid of buying hatchery birds due to poor quality, but if anyone knows of a hatchery that is producing good quality orpingtons then I will consider that as a last resort.
I just received nine buff orpingtons and they're beautiful big healthy babies from McMurray hatchery they're out of most of their birds now but if you can get them McMurray delivers the most beautiful birds I have 29 , four different breeds. I ordered 26 birds, I've been buying from McMurray hatchery since 2006 was my first batch of babies.they always give extras,just in case you lose one. this time they gave me a boy polish, an extra buff orpington rooster and because they substituted six black stars with Barred rock they sent me eight instead of the six that I purchased to make up for the exchange I guess. I've hatched babies in the past and I've bought a few here and there from supply stores, but I always go back to McMurray hatchery. they're wonderful to work so my flock for this year is eight orpingtons, seven bear rocks six americanas and six blue lace red wyandotte !four roosters !
This person has blacks and blues. Also Lavenders but they are a work in progress.
I don’t know what variety you are looking for.

Also, this guy.

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