Anyone else Rat obsessed? :P


11 Years
Oct 12, 2008
I have not seen anyone mention any pet rats, so I am curious! Am I the only Rat slave on BYC? I can't be, they are too awesome and loving to be passed up.

So if you love rats, splurge about them here.

I have 8 Ratties, 6 bucks and 2 does.

For the boys..
The oldest is Bedington, he's 1 year old. He's a blue hooded and a total squishbug.
Second is Smeegol, he's about 8 months old. He's a hairless. :]
Then we have Paxil & Pacey, they are brothers who are 10 weeks old, they are also hairless.
Can't forget Wilko! He's our giganto buck, he is 9 weeks old and already more than 1/2 the size of Bedington. His sire is 1.3lbs and his mom is also a big girly, so we are expecting him to be in the range of 1.5lbs. Wilko is a black Irish Rex.
And then, last but not least, is Sambo. He's our new little (well, not little, he's full grown but we don't know his age. I would say approx. 8 - 12 months). We actually added him to our family last night. He's a dumbo black berkshire, and he's hairless too. He's currently a bit depressed.

Thennn, we have our two girlies. (Well, more so my fiance's) They are Agitha, who is a mismarked black masked dumbo and her sister Hoax who is an odd eyed mismarked beige capped dumbo. (Did you get all that?). They are both about 5 months old.

Tomorrow I am hoping to get to some fabric stores so I can sew up some new hammocks for them since it's getting a bit chilly.

Ive posted a couple of times about mine

I have two does, and I love them to death, i wouldnt trade them for the world!
Unfortunately , my one doe , Scout, has a tumor
So im not having the best of times right now








Them together





I dont know what ill do when I lose them, they are both just a year and 1/2 though, so hopefully i wont have to worry about that anytime soon!
Your rats are addorible Goat_Walker!!

I am sorry your ratty has a tumor.
One of my past rats had one, but she lived for months afterward, so be optimistic! Have you looked into having it removed?
Here is the thing, I cant get her to a vet b/c I dont exactly have access to a car at the moment. Parents are being stubborn about it saying that she is fine, even after ive shown then the tumor.
The way they see it is
Vet bill = $100
New Rat = $8

So I am trying to be optimistic, but Right now I can even hace coherent thought if I think of losing her
I know how it is when parents say those kinds of things.
When I was relying on my mom for whatever, if my rat got sick, she would say "You can just get a new one. It is cheaper to get another. It's just a rat".

A life is a life, ya know ?
I hope your girlie gets better really soon. My doe who had a tumor, the vet said to give hers a chance for it to pop before he looked into removing it, and it did. And she got better. She was 2 when she got the tumor, and almost 3 when she died.
Me! Me! Me! I LOVE our rats! I never thought I would say that, but I really do! They have been the coolest pets! They even tolerate my 4 year-old packing them around. We have three of ratties. Nimbus, Echo, and Whiskers. Nimbus is the newest rat of the bunch and 4 months old. Echo and Whiskers are 1 1/2 years old.

Here is Nimbus. She is 4 months old.

Here is Echo. She's our picky eater.

And here is Whiskers. She's NOT a picky eater! As a matter of fact, she's running away in this picture for food!

Whiskers again doing her favorite past time! EATING!

Here's a pic of Echo and Whiskers this past summer.
Well Im hoping that it will "pop" then

Also, Ive heard that sprinkling olive oil on their tails is healthy for them, have you heard this?
Olive oil is healthy from what I understand.

For hairless rats, you can give them a bit for dry skin (you can rub it on them, or put a bit in their food). So I imagine olive oil would help their tails from getting dry too.

Gumpsgirl, your boys are absolutely addorible !
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