Baby Chicks and treats


May 14, 2024
I know chickens are generally afraid of new things, but this morning I wanted to try giving my chicks fresh fruits, veg and canned tuna. I cut up a couple of home-grown strawberries into small pieces, mashed/cut a couple peaches and cooked slightly frozen peas and then mashed alongside a tiny amount of canned tuna- they acted like I was trying to kill them and basically avoided going near it even after I left it and the room (they're in my son's room at the moment.) on my way out the door I looked in his window and they were still avoiding the paper plate and area like it was trying to eat them. (I tried showing the oldest one and pecking at the paper plate but it began chirping/screeching and I immediately released her.) We handle our birds very gently at least 2x/day.
They get chick starter/grower crumbles (Purina medicated) and DuMore chick grit as well as water...

any suggestions would be appreciated. :)
How old are they? Mine did the same thing when they were very young, anything new was a potential chicken murderer. Now they dive into anything. Just be patient and keep trying new things.
The 4 oldest are about 4-4 1/2 weeks old and the youngest are about 2 weeks old.
chickens dont need treats, they like routine and respond great to just managing the amount of regular food ..once theyre older and in the yard/run, theyll look at anything you provide in smaller amounts as a reward and a prize, like table scraps or pieces of bread etc ..

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