Black copper Mayans roo crossed with...??


Aug 19, 2020
East Texas
So does anyone have any pictures of a black copper marans rooster crossed with an Ayam Cemani, barred rock or white leghorn? Our Ayam hen went broody and I’m trying to break her but if it doesn’t work I’ll just let her hatch them but I’m wondering what the possibilities could be...?
The BCM x Ayam Cemani mix will be black with black face, skin and legs. BCM x Leghorn will be white chickens. BCM x Barred rock will be sex linked, and males will have spot on their head a females will be solid. Roosters will be barred, hens will be black. For all the crosses, roosters may have red leakage on their saddle and hackle feathers, hens may have a little red at the top of their neck.

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