blue splash cochin bantam rooster


12 Years
Mar 14, 2007
Here's a picture of my rooster, Piccolino. He is a blue splash cochin bantam rooster. He is an amazing rooster; friendly, quiet, nice to his girls, and beautiful! One cool thing I have found is that every chick he has sired has turned out blue. Its weird - regardless of the hens color (BTW japanese, buff cochin, mille fleur) the chicks come out blue. I guess he has a "super blue" gene! I'll have to see what he'll produce this summer.



Here are some of his "children"

If I understand my genetics correctly, every chick he sires should turn out blue. Splash birds are homozygous for the blue gene, and blue birds are heterozygous. Every bird he sires with a non-blue bird will be heterozygous, thus blue. If he is bred to a blue bird, half of his offspring will be blue and half splash.

(If I've got this backwards, someone please correct me. Haven' t had a lot of coffee yet today)
I guess I'll be having a lot of blue chicks! Do you know anything about wyandotte genetics? I want to to start a breeding flock of blue laced reds and I'm wondering what would result from a BLR/silver laced cross. Thaks a lot.
Haven't a clue. I just happen to know about the blue gene. But scan around in Google. I once bumped into a few good chicken genetics articles that way. I can't recall what they were called now, but you might find something good.

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