Breeding Button Quail Naturally


Apr 24, 2023
Hi Everyone. Have a quick question in hoping someone helping. I recently bought a pair of Chinese Painted Quail/Button Quail. over the past couple of weeks my Hen laid 12 eggs all in the same place in my indoor aviary 6x4 foot. she made a nest of straw in which she hides in and sits ie incubates the eggs. Ive seen them mate plenty of times but I'm not going to disturb them in her incubation period. anyway my main question is if she manages to hatch any do I need to intervene. The problem is I work daily and probably won't be around throughout a day if any hatch. My indoor aviary is bedded with Aubi Chick bedding but the shed has no heat source my shed is varying from 10 degrees to 20 degrees throughout a day. anyone breed these birds naturally who can offer any advice on hatching days thanks Jon.
It really depends on the personality of your birds. You should watch them closely for the first day or two to see how they do. I would have a brooder ready just in case.
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I would just leave them and see how it goes. In my experience I have had females go broody but they usually lose interest after awhile. In March my tuxedo female went broody and was sitting on about 8 eggs. She sat on them for about 2 and a half weeks and then one day I found all the eggs scattered around the cage and cold. I thought some could still be alive so I put them in the incubator. A few days later one chick hatched. A week later 3 more hatched. Soo yea always have an incubator ready in case something happens.

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