Breeding Exhibition dewlap Toulouse

Chicken nana ninja

In the Brooder
Feb 18, 2018
Good afternoon everyone.

New to the forums.....I headed North (Ontario Canada) back in the spring and purchased these two..
Exhibition dewlap toulouse Aline & Remme. A proven breeding pair, they are three yrs of age and for the past two yrs Aline has laid eggs. This yr she laid a total of 24 eggs in a span of 7 weeks. The previous owner never tried to hatch out any of the eggs. I have done some reading and apparently they are not the easiest of the geese world to hatch and raise. I had read ebdems make great surrogates for the eggs but not really wanting any other breeds of geese at this time.

So my other option Incubate myself with my incubator.

So was wondering if anyone here has more hands on experience? Also is it true they need water to mate? Makes sense i would imagine these two are way too big to attempt mating on land i would assume. I am wanting to get them out of one of the stalls in our barn that i will need for our Jersey Calf due in the fall....So i want to build them an enclosure for them only. They currently have free roam around the farm and never venture far. I would really like to increase the size of my flock by hatching and raising myself. I just love these birds. Quiet, great temperament and just beautiful to look at. Remme my male he would sit in my lap quiet happily if i let him lol..
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You have a beautiful pair. I use kiddy pools for breeding. I've personally never had a female successfully hatch on her own. Hatching in the bator is tricky, too. This forum has an excellent guide, and the author bred dewlaps. Some males produce stronger developing eggs which makes success better. I find diet also plays a big role and highly recommend mazuri waterfowl feed, in addition to free-range grazing.

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