Breeds and behaviors

here are the breed we thought we ordered:
Ameraucana = 2
Black australorp = 2
Rhode island red = 2
Rhode island blue = 2
White leghorn = 3
Noir marans = 1
Welsummer = 2
Speckled sussex = 1

Pictures 1 and 3 are your "Ameraucanas" (actually Easter Eggers.)
I think 2 and 5 are your Welsummers.
4 is either Black Australorp or Noir Marans, but I'm not sure which.

I can't see the comb or legs on the cockerel, but I'm leaning toward him being either Welsummer or Easter Egger.

Since you received 17 chicks but that list only has 15, either you missed a breed or there are extras of one kind or another, unless the hatchery included a mystery chick of another breed yet.

Which breeds have you already identified?
I can't see the comb or legs on the cockerel, but I'm leaning toward him being either Welsummer or Easter Egger.

Now I think the cockerel might be a Rhode Island Blue. (I had made assumptions about how the males would look, but then I looked them up to check. There's a male pictured on the Mt. Healthy hatchery website that looks pretty similar to me.)
Ok so I have 2 Welsummers for sure (They both look the same) I have 1 black australorp rooster and I think 3 black australorp hens, 3 white leghorns, 3 "americanas (now easter eggers?) 1 noir Maran, 3 French black copper marans and one barred rock and one speckled sussex (not anymore, she passed way:( )

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