Brooder Advice as Ducklings Grow

The one I have now is 4 or 5 feet in diameter and they are outgrowing it. I’d need a pool that I can easily get through a doorway to clean it outside :/

They will still be inside for another 4 or 5 weeks. Not sure if I’ll be able to find another pool I can get outside easily, and also all the pools I find are like 12” high maximum and the ducklings will maybe be able to jump out soon enough.

thank you! Yes I switched to pine shavings on Tuesday and they are doing well, nibbling and eating it a little
But but I’ve heard that’s normal and they seem to be kinda getting over it. I bought a toddler playpen gate enclosure so they will have more space and will put a tarp on the floor with the pine shavings on top for them :)
I use a tarp on the floor when I have sick ducks in the house or ducks in quarantine in the house, in a dog crate. For long stays -- quarantining new rescues -- I use pine shavings in the dog crate, and they do get scattered out, so the tarp is necessary. For a recent short stay -- a duck with an eye infection -- I tried out puppy pads. They were so easy but not a cheap option. I still used a tarp underneath and was glad I did when the boy up-ended his water tub!!!!

I'm glad you are planning on keeping your ducklings inside until 8 weeks old -- I'm a protective duck mama and keep my ducklings inside at night until at least 8 weeks and sometimes longer depending on the weather. I do start going outside with them for supervised time in the garden before 8 weeks but I have had a fright when a 6 week old duckling bolted. He was fine when we tried him outside again 2 weeks later. I now have an outside pen and would not now take ducklings outside without first having them in a pen getting used to the big world. Our other ducklings had gone out to swim and dry off from 4 weeks old without problem. But since I had the one bolt, I have been far more cautious.

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